Ich habe zahlreiche Vorträge und Key Note Speeches auf Konferenzen in mehr als zwanzig Ländern in Europa, Asien, Nordamerika und Ozeanien gehalten. Einige meiner jüngeren Vorträge:
- „How the digital era and other megatrends impact the future of leadership.”
- „No more heroes. Why we need altrocentric leaders.”
- “Leadership 2030. The impact of megatrends on the future of leadership.”
- “Building the Leader of the Future.”
- “Money, and ´the other stuff´. The impact of megatrends on executive reward.”
- “What is leadership? And how can you make a difference?”
- “What makes great teams successful? – The role of leadership and culture.”
- “What does ‘being ambidextrous’ really mean?”
- “The business case of leadership development.”
- “Why boards and executive directors should be forward-looking.”